We are committed to an open source approach to humanizing schooling that will allow the maximum number of people to benefit from the practices and ideas that emerge from our work.
Towards this goal, People In Education thoroughly documents and evaluates our core practices. Through popular education tools and trainings, we share our lessons with a network of educators, youth, researchers and artists in Detroit and beyond.
This Toolkit is an online version of the “DFS Guide to Humanizing Schooling” – which includes lessons from our work in more than 50 Detroit classrooms over the past nine years of PIE programming!
This guide is made up of three parts. In part one, we share the story of our work and how it has developed over time. In part two, we guide you through the “Rida Framework,” our primary planning tool and the anchor of our work in the classroom. In part three, we lay out our “Root Practices” and resources through a series of how-to instructions and worksheets. We invite classrooms throughout Detroit and beyond to adapt and evolve these tools to make them their own.